Woman obliged husband’s sick desire and let him indecently abuse daughter repeatedly for 7 years ‘so she could become this’!

A good mother feeds you, protects you, loves you, helps you connect with others and encourages you to become your best self. Mothers are masters at helping their children meet this full range of human needs – from providing physical nourishment and safety, love and affection, all the way up to supporting emotional and spiritual growth. But, unfortunately, not all mothers are protective. When this mother, Marcy, fell in love with her 34-year-old husband, Brandon, she did everything to make him happy.
According to the court documents, when the 34-year-old man asked the mother to let her 8-year-old daughter be his “c0ncubine,” the mother obliged Brandon’s sick desire and let him ra-e her daughter repeatedly for nearly a decade until she became pregnant with his child. The abused daughter gave birth to Brandon’s child when she was 15-years-old. Now, that she is seventeen, her father-in-law and mother are in jail for what they did to her. Brandon has been convicted of ra-e as well as several charges of aggravated se-ual assault against a minor. He received a life sentence from the judge presiding over the case.
Marcy allowed Brandon access to her daughter so the child could become his “c0ncubine.” However, the man ra-ed the little girl for nearly a decade from age eight until after she gave birth to his child at age fifteen. At the time of the baby’s birth, the family was living in an abandoned home that had been slated for demolition. Because both defendants understood that no one could learn about his child with his victim, the girl gave birth on the kitchen table. Fortunately, someone in the vicinity called the authorities, so social worker Jones went to the broken-down home. The scene that Jones walked into will stick with her for the rest of her life. It was a nightmare that she’ll never be able to clear from her memory.
The teen was ra-ed throughout her pregnancy and she endured a two-and-a-half-day labour with no medical help to deliver her abuser’s baby on a table. Brandon was jailed for at least 88 years for ra-e of a child younger than 15 and child se-ual abuse. The mother will also spend a long time in jail for allowing her husband to ra-e her daughter. She has been jailed for up to 31 years and will have to register as a se* offender for 30 years. Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child se-ual abuse has surged in America during the pandemic. Statistics indicate 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience se-ual abuse or assault from an adult.