Waterloo City Council temporarily halting in-person meetings

Iowa – The Waterloo City Council announced on Wednesday they are temporarily halting in-person meetings.
According to a press release, the decision was made due to increased community spread of COVID-19.
Starting on Monday, December 7th, all meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. The public can find a link to meetings on the City Council page of the City website at https://cityofwaterlooiowa.com/register. Registration is required to participate virtually.
The meetings can also be viewed on Waterloo Public Access TV channel on Mediacom 17 or 74-4, and on the City’s YouTube page WaterlooCommunityTV.
These changes include public hearings. The public may email comments to comments@waterloo-ia.org. Submitted comments will be read during the public hearing. Please state the public hearing item on which you wish to speak.