“This young man did the best that he could do to control himself”, Elderly White woman called a Black restaurant worker the N-word before slapping him across the face because they didn’t have the bread she wanted

The elderly White woman reportedly called a Black restaurant employee the N-word before slapping him across the face. The woman reportedly drove up to the drive-thru of the carryout pizza restaurant and ordered two pizzas and Crazy Bread. The restaurant worker told her that they were out of crazy bread. The elderly woman reportedly got angry and called the employee racial slurs before slapping him across the face. “This young man did the best that he could do to control himself and wait until he got home to tell his parents what had happened to him.” the worker’s attorney said.
On March 30, the 71-year-old woman from Oklahoma, Rachel Scheuerman, reportedly drove up to the drive-thru of a Little Caesars’s Pizza and ordered two pizzas and ‘Crazy Bread’, The Black Wall Street Times reports.
The 17-year-old employee, who was not named due to his age, told the customer they were out of crazy bread. The elderly woman reportedly got angry and called the employee racial slurs before slapping him across the face.
Two weeks later, the 71-year-old woman was charged with a malicious harassment based upon race.
According to the affidavit, after the employee told her that they were out of crazy bread, the 71-year-old woman reportedly shouted, “Are you serious!”
Scheuerman then asked the boy: “Do you want a diploma?”
The worker answered ‘Yes’ and the woman reportedly said: “Listen here, N-word.”
The 71-year-old woman then asked the teen, “Did that hurt you?”
When the 17-year-old replied, “No” she got out of her van and slapped him across the face.
During an interview with investigators, the 71-year-old woman reportedly said that she was ‘joking around with the kid, you know how it is.’
But, when she discovered that there was a recording of the incident, she reportedly admitted to slapping the employee and she said she called the victim the “n-word” only one time, Newsweek reports.
The worker’s attorney, Ronald Kelly, said that the police couldn’t arrest the 71-year-old woman because officers did not witness the misdemeanor with their own eyes.
The officers had to pass the case off to the district attorney, so prosecutors could conduct their own interviews before getting an approved arrest warrant through the courts.
Ronald Kelly reportedly said:
“He’s shocked and he’s traumatized. To intimidate and traumatize a child is about as low as you can go. This young man did the best that he could do to control himself and wait until he got home to tell his parents what had happened to him. What was more painful to him was the fact that it took so long for anything to be addressed in reference to this.
These types of cases would not have taken that long if the parties would have been reversed. No one should get the privilege to violate somebody else’s space, somebody else’s body, somebody else’s rights.
We’re gonna continue to see that justice prevails in this matter. I admire the strength of the mother, the father and the son for standing up and saying, you know, this is just not right. And we are destined to see that something gets done or it definitely gets exposed enough that somebody will do something.”