The next stimulus check could arrive in 5 groups. Find out which is yours

WATERLOO – The world of stimulus checks can be a confusing place and that’s just as true for the first direct payment as it is for the second. While the ins and outs of qualifications are typically the most dizzying to wrap your head around, the timeline for when a check could come your way — and who could get it first — is equally tough to make sense of.

For example, did you know the IRS scheduled payments by priority groups and spaced them out? In fact, the final checks from the first round are still being delivered, with the IRS wrapping up this month. Catch-up payments from errors or unclaimed checks will continue to be sent through 2021 and some will need to be claimed after Tax Season 2020 due in April.

We’ll tell you more about that below, but first, this important point. Although right now negotiations around another coronavirus relief package are consolidating around two proposals that leave out a stimulus check, there are good reasons why another payment for as much as $1,200 apiece could still arrive in 2021. When and if it does, the checks won’t all come at one.

Here, we’ll give you a little more information about the priority groups and why it might happen again with a second direct payment.

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