Single mother-of-three who gave birth to 3 baby girls within the space of 12 months says “it’s not always easy, but I am the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life”

The single mom-of-three reportedly gave birth to 3 babies within the space of 12 months. The lucky mother welcomed 3 baby girls, after falling pregnant with twins very quickly after having her first baby. The mother of three, who is no longer with the twins’ father, shares her parenting journey on social media where she shares with followers how she manages co-parenting and having three young children all very close in age.

Her name is Stephanie Hanson and she reportedly welcomed her first daughter, Daphne, into the world on January 28, 2020. The mom says it was just 3 months later that she discovered she was pregnant again and was already 3 weeks along, per New York Post.

On Dec 8, Stephanie reportedly gave birth to twin daughters Rubie and Penelope, Metro reports.

According to the health officials, women typically only begin ovulating again around 45 days, or six weeks, after giving birth. So, the  mother of three was in total disbelief upon discovering the pregnancy test she took around this time was positive, and she was already three weeks along.

Stephanie Hanson reportedly said: I was in a newborn fog, and then there was the excitement of this new relationship. I was just adjusting to everything.”

The single mother was reportedly concerned that her first-born child Daphne wouldn’t have one-on-one time with her anymore. But, the good news is that her daughter was happy and delighted upon meeting her newborn twin sisters, and wanted to give them hugs right away, according to the Mirror.

The sisters are now sharing a room and doing everything together.

The 32-year-old mom shares her parenting journey on her social media accounts. 

Stephanie shares with followers how she manages co-parenting and having three young children all very close in age.

In one video, the mother of three explained that both she and the fathers of her babies are dedicated to raising happy children, joking that they are on the same team, despite living in different homes.

Stephanie Hanson reportedly said: “When we broke up I was devastated. But then, I gave myself a little pep talk. ‘I’ve got this. ‘We’re not going to sit around in our pajamas crying. We can sink or swim.’”

The mother says that it’s not always easy. But, she also said that she was the happiest she’d ever been in her entire life.

Featured Image Source – TikTok Video/ScrSht

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