Police broke into woman’s vehicle to rescue infant, only to realize they made a terrible mistake!

Per reports, the whole incident reportedly started because the ‘infant’s’ feet were sticking out. She had been covered with a blanket and left in her car seat on a 90-degree day in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart, and she was almost invisible. But a passerby saw feet poking through the blanket, and the bottle on the seat, and she called the police. 

So, when the responding officer arrived, a police report would later detail, the situation appeared clear: a locked car on a hot day, windows up, pacifier on the seat, and those feet, sticking out ominously. Lt. Jason decided there wasn’t a moment to lose. He smashed the window with the baton, removed the ‘baby’ from the backseat, and called for an ambulance. But, unfortunately, the officer broke into a car to rescue a baby locked inside, only to discover it was a lifelike doll.

After the officer broke into the car and pulled the blanket away, he thought the child was dead, so he breathed into its mouth, but the lungs did not inflate. He then realized that the baby was, in fact, a realistic-looking doll and that its mouth did not open. He canceled the call for an ambulance. When he found the owner of the doll, Seifert, who was getting her hair cut during the incident, she told the officer that it was designed to look as much as a real baby as possible. Short said the doll even felt like a real baby when he picked it up.

Seifert had purchased the doll, named Ainslie from a doll nursery for $2,300 the week before the incident. The doll, called a reborn doll, is handcrafted from silicone so it looks as realistic as possible. Seifert has a collection of reborn dolls. She says she plans to put a sticker on her car to alert others that the babies inside the car are not real.

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