Parents ‘abandoned their 3- and 4-year-old sons at a homeless camp, barefoot and without any food or water for 1 week’ because they wanted to do this!

Children have the right to be safe, to be treated with affection, to be educated, to have medical care and to be protected against cruelty and abuse. Parents have the duty to protect their children’s rights until they are old enough to make their own way in the world. While there are millions of couples in this world who are trying to be parents or are happy with serving and nurturing their kids in the best way possible, there are a few who throw away these little gifts of god for their own selfish needs. This is exactly what happened with 20-year-old Bozena and 25-year-old Volodymyr. They reportedly abandoned their two little kids at a homeless camp.
Their heartless act came along with an excuse, they did it to “get some rest.” According to local officials, 3-year-old Andrey and his 2-year-old brother Maksim, reportedly survived for a week drinking river water and foraging through waste food items in litter bins. Looking at their heart-wrenching condition, the fellow homeless men fed the kids whatever little food they had and kept a watch on the toddlers who were roaming n-ked around the camp.
According to Daily Mail, the young couple left their little ones to fend for themselves because they were tired of looking after them. While the kids were kept safe by the homeless men, a passerby Olena spotted the boys and informed the police. Talking about the health conditions of the boys, Taisa, the pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital said that the kids were suffering from cold and malnutrition. Giving full details she said, “The boys suffer from viral infectious disease and malnutrition. They are weak now and barely can walk. The children know their names and ages. They do not ask at all about their parents.”
The police officials commenced the search for the parents of the children. On finding them the parents said that the reason they dropped off their sons in the camp was that they got tired of looking after the boys and needed to have some rest. According to The Mirror, the parents made their living by scavenging scrap metals and selling it in the market. A criminal investigation has been launched against them for failing to fulfill their parental duties. The duo might face up to 5 years in prison for their negligent act as parents if found guilty. While the law is trying its force to get justice for the boys, the local social service has planned to sue the parents for grave negligence. For the time being the little boys will be placed in an orphanage until the court comes to a decision. Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child abuse has surged in America during the pandemic.