Mother is urging parents to make sure cords and cables in their homes are secured after her 2-year-old daughter accidentally hanged herself while playing with a fan cord

The mom-of-four is urging parents to make sure cords and cables in their homes are secured after her 2-year-old girl accidentally hanged herself while playing with a fan cord. The unfortunate mother wants other parents to know the risks of leaving cables in easy reach around the home. “My message to parents is to watch out for cords, even cords that you don’t think are strong enough for something like that. If anything has a cord, make sure it’s secured – not just hidden. Kids are smart and fast.” the mom said.

The 30-year-old mom from Missouri, Journy Harr and her 37-year-old husband Randell, put their four little children to sleep in September 2020. Unfortunately, their lives were changed when they heard their oldest son scream. The mother ran upstairs to find her 2-year-old daughter Lilly being pulled from the cord.

Her son explained she had been playing with it and wrapped it around her neck before tripping over. The boy also said that his sister had then tripped and strangled herself.

The heartbroken family are still struggling to come to terms with their devastating loss, the Mirror reports. The heartbroken mother has finally found the strength to speak out and warn other parents about securing leads and cords around their homes.

The 30-year-old mother, Journy Harr, reportedly said: “Our 5-year-old son said she got the cord and made a wrapping motion around her neck, then took a step, fell and hung herself. He said that it happened, he called for help and daddy came. It was so fast, I can’t stress that enough. 

It was so fast, within 10 minutes. He had just been upstairs. I was thinking one of the kids was just doing something, then I heard him open the door and shout ‘oh my god, why, why?’ Then he was screaming to call 911.

I never saw it. By the time I raced upstairs he had already gotten her down but the fan was in her window. She wasn’t breathing at this point. She wasn’t responsive at all.”

The mother from Missouri told the Mirror that she and her husband were concerned when they decided to fit the window fan in Lilly’s room. She was worried about it being pushed out and the kids falling through the window.

The heartbroken mom never imagined it could be possible for her toddler to become entangled in the cord, which hung down to plug into an outlet under the window.

The 30-year-old mother, Journy Harr, also said: “My husband Randell was working on her doing CPR and I was on the phone with 911, freaking out. They had to yell at me a couple of times because I wasn’t coherent. I just remember him working on her and yelling at her to breathe, saying ‘come back baby, come back’.

I remember him running through the house holding her and she was just flopping. I really thought she was going to make it because I knew how small of a window it had been.

I’d heard stories of people being oxygen-deprived for significantly longer than that and making it. I’m an optimist anyway and I was convinced she was going to make it. Finally, our neighbour ended up being the first responder and he thought she was going to make it too.

He worked on her from the time he showed up until they were finally like ‘let’s just go to the hospital and do CPR at the back of the car’.”

On the way to the hospital, the 30-year-old mom received a phone call that her little daughter passed away.

The 30-year-old mother, Journy Harr, also said: “My husband called me when I was about halfway there and I asked him what was happening and he told me ‘she didn’t make it, baby’. This very strange peace came over me. I am a spiritual person and I call that divine intervention.

I just remained very calm and very peaceful. I felt in my heart that it was going to be okay somehow. It didn’t hit until after I got to the hospital and I saw her. She was all wrapped up in the blanket and she had a tube in her mouth. I kept telling myself when I was holding her that she was going to open her eyes and it’d be some sort of medical miracle.”

The unfortunate mother is now sharing photos of her little girl to warn other parents, after her daughter Lilly tragically died.

Journy Harr reportedly told the Sun:

“My message to parents is to watch out for cords, even cords that you don’t think are strong enough for something like that. The pathologist told us it takes an incredibly small amount of pressure for something like that to happen to that small of a child. If anything has a cord, make sure it’s secured – not just hidden. Kids are smart and fast. They’ve got those cord secure things you can get online or at various department stores that secure the cord to the wall.”

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