More than 30 years ago, little girl revealed plans to kill her entire family – Here’s what she’s doing now!

The little girl, who reportedly suffered violent se-ual abuse from her father, is now an adult. Her life has drastically changed. In 1990, HBO aired a documentary, which went viral across the globe, called “Child of Rage.” The documentary focused on a young girl named Beth, who developed psychopathic behavior as a result of horrific abuse as a baby. The little girl was violently se-ually abused by her father until she was about 19 months old. Her mother died when she was a baby, leaving her and her infant brother in her father’s care.
Beth and her brother were later taken out of their father’s care and adopted into a new family. Their new parents, Tim and Julie, knew something was not quite right with their daughter at a young age. At one point, she began killing baby birds and her parents became concerned. Eventually, Beth’s parents realized she was deeply disturbed. She exhibited bizarre se-ual behavior at a young age and had an interest in death and violence. Beth’s brother, Jonathan, showed similar behavior, but to a lesser degree. Tim and Julie reached out to the adoption agency to see if they knew anything that may have led to the children’s behavior, but the agency was unable to give them any information due to confidentiality laws.
After doing some digging themselves, Tim and Julie found out that both children had been badly abused by their father. The family’s story, focusing on Beth, was the subject of “Child of Rage.” In the documentary, Beth is shown calm telling her therapist, Dr. Ken Magid, that she enjoys molesting her brother and killing baby birds. She even told the therapist that she dreamed about murdering her parents and little brother. Tim and Julie said in the documentary that no matter what they did or how many times they spoke to Beth, she continued to tell them that she wanted to kill them. At one point, Beth slammed her brother’s head into concrete in an attempt to kill him. Fortunately, he survived.
Beth was eventually diagnosed with a severe case of reactive attachment disorder, a psychological condition caused by extreme physical or emotional abuse. The disorder prevents children from being able to connect with others. The child then went through training for intensive behavior modification in hopes she would develop empathy for others and end her psychopathic behaviour. Now, she is a healthy, mentally stable adult. She is now a registered nurse at a hospital, where she works in the neonatal unit. Beth has written a book about her experience titled, “More Than a Thread of Hope.”