Man says he faced discrimination for being gay and was subjected to anti-gay slurs and harassment from his very first day at the fire department, lawsuit

The man claims he faced discrimination for being gay and was subjected to antigay slurs and harassment from his very first day at the fire department. Now, the firefighter has filed a lawsuit against the city, the fire department and the lieutenant who served as the chief diversity officer, alleging antigay harassment. While asking for an apology and unspecified damages in his complaint, he made clear he wants to stay on the job no matter what happens with his case.
During an interview with NY1, the gay firefighter from New York, Corey Boykins, said that he is now suing the city of New York and a former chief diversity officer for antigay harassment and hostility.
Corey Boykins reportedly told NY1: “I was at my lowest. I was kind of just trying to still have respect for the job, because I do love the job. I do love the job. I was trying to navigate how I could stop this without losing my job.”
The firefighter also said he faced discrimination for being gay and was subjected to slurs from his very first day at the FDNY.
According to the lawsuit, Boykins reportedly sought help from the department’s then-chief diversity and inclusion officer. The gay firefighter then claims he was told that he should sleep with both men and women and that others had been cured of their homo$exuality.
Corey Boykins reportedly told NY1: “Immediately, the first thing was: I don’t belong in the firehouse and … basically being gay was a choice.”
A FDNY spokesperson reportedly told NY1: “There is no room for discrimination or retaliation at any agency. The complaint is being carefully reviewed.”
According to the lawsuit, the gay firefighter reportedly tolerated certain unseemly firehouse dynamics. But, he claims it crossed a line when anti-gay slurs were hurled at him directly. Boykins also said that the antigay harassment took a physical toll that led to a mental breakdown.
The firefighter now seeks an apology and unspecified damages, per reports.
The gay firefighter also said that the fire department should require training on how to interact with colleagues of different races and sexual orientation and on when they’re crossing the line.
Corey Boykins reportedly told NY1: “This is making me feel some kind of way, like I’m taking this home. And the only thing I should take home is something bad at a fire or I saw someone passed away. Those are things I’d be OK taking home.”
While asking for an apology and unspecified damages in his complaint, he made clear he wants to stay on the job no matter what happens with his case. This is a developing story and it will be updated as new information become available.