Cedar Falls Public Safety announced the firefighter of the year

Cedar Falls, IA – According to the Cedar Falls Public Safety, the 2021 Cedar Falls Firefighter of the Year is Lucas Schmidt.
Cedar Falls Public Safety officials released the following statement:
“Lucas Schmidt has earned the respect of his colleagues for his knowledge, authority, and leadership. His hard work, dedication, and performance go above and beyond.
He is a graduate of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy and certified in Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, Hazmat Operations, Emergency Medical Technician, and Driver/Operation with many other certifications in the field of NIMS/ICS and Firefighting.
He always carries a desire to learn new skills and pass his knowledge to those around him. Lucas comes to work every day with one goal in mind and that is to do his job to the best of his ability and teach others.”
This story will be updated as new information become available.