16-year-old cried for mercy in courtroom, but didn’t know the judge knew his ‘disturbing secret’!

Prosecutors said that the defendant, Dylan, reportedly got on a phone call from prison and revealed his plan. The then-16-year-old, who apparently didn’t know that outgoing calls are recorded, told the person on the other end of the line everything he planned to do. So, when the day of his court appearance came, the defendant reportedly followed through with his plan exactly as he said he would. But, luckily, his plan backfired completely. No one fell for his lies as he stood in court and pretended to feel bad about what he had done.

In court, Dylan pleaded his case and told the victim’s mother that he was remorseful for having killed him. The then 16-year-old defendant reportedly beat a 23-month-old baby to death. He appeared in court and prepared his eyes for tears. He and his defense attorney fought for the minimum sentence for the teenager who killed the toddler. With tears in his eyes, Dylan said, “I can’t take back what was done. I wish I could. I’d give my life for Austin. I loved him a lot.” The killer’s attorney Joseph then spoke, “Austin was completely defenseless. That is a given. But there were other dynamics at work there, including my client’s inability to either control his anger or frustration and his inexperience in babysitting.”

The judge then objected with his own remark. “Based on Dylan’s short life now, what is to say he won’t do it again?” The attorney responded, “We don’t know that. I think it is completely unlikely. It was a situational, circumstantial thing.” Judge Boller did not let Dylan stand in court without revealing a horrible thing he did. “The record will show that you admitted on July 23, in a phone call to your mother from a holding center you stated: “I am a 16-year-old blond. Probably all I have to do is cry in front of the jury, and they’re going to feel sorry for me.”

Dylan did not receive the sentence he wished for. He got 25 years to life for killing a defenseless toddler and not feeling bad about it. Commenters on Reddit were shocked that he would say such a thing on a recorded phone line. “I was on a grand jury when a few situations regarding recorded jail calls came up. Nothing this heinous; it was a robbery/beating though. The guy in jail was trying to be slick, telling his gf to ‘take out all the trash in his closet.’ The officer presenting to us said they went right to the dumpster at his place and found a single bag with the clothes he was wearing/blood stains/shoes, which was enough to indict in light of other evidence.” Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports of a surge in violent crime across America during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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